Posts Tagged ‘Hemingway’

Niagara Reads

Posted on: September 10th, 2012 by Wayne Fraser No Comments

Dr. Wayne Fraser and his wife Dr. Eleanor Johnston have written and published a novel that explores Ernest Hemingway’s last days in Cuba. Researched by Wayne and written by Eleanor, “Hemingway’s Island is a novel packed with Hemingway lore for both aficionados and general readers.” Join Wayne and Eleanor for a reading and discussion of their novel.

• Thursday, September 20

• 7:30 pm

• CENTRAL LIBRARY, Mills Room, St. Catharines, Ontario


• For more information, please call 905-688-6103, ext. 211.

Novel Now Available

Posted on: September 10th, 2012 by Wayne Fraser No Comments

After technical glitches, our novel Hemingway’s Island is now available on, .ca, and .uk, as well as on and, of course, The epub version is coming soon.

Hemingway Newsletter

Posted on: August 20th, 2012 by Wayne Fraser No Comments

The new issue of the Hemingway Newsletter edited by Al Defazio is now available online at


It includes a half-page advertisement for Hemingway’s Island. Thank you to the Editor!

Dear American literature professors,

Posted on: July 28th, 2012 by Eleanor Johnston 9 Comments

What is the next generation of questions about Hemingway?

Donne would like this.

Posted on: July 20th, 2012 by Eleanor Johnston No Comments

It was recently discovered that the family of William Tell bowled
frequently. Research was put into finding out what social group organized
the bowling, but unfortunately it seems that all records were burnt in a
great fire. So to this day no one knows For Whom the Tells Bowled.

(Thanks to Bonnie)

Self-publishing involves self-promotion.

Posted on: July 12th, 2012 by Wayne Fraser 6 Comments

If you love a conspiracy theory in a mystery, if you can’t put down a spy story, if you’re curious about Hemingway and life in Havana …
If you like a love story and figure that two love stories in one novel are better than one, you might agree that one love story should be tragic and the other very happy …
If you want a choice between paperback and eBook PDF (the real eBook is pending) …
Hemingway’s Island is where you want to be.

When you’ve read this book, please write a review of it. At present the options for posting a review and a rating are and Also, please drop your thoughts into our blog.

Here’s how to write a review, courtesy of sister-friend, Sandra.

Go to to write a review:

1. google or
2. Click on BUY
3. Click on SEARCH BOOKS
4. Type in Eleanor Johnston or Wayne Fraser (One or other- either worked)
5. Book comes up – Click on MORE DETAIL
7. Then click on WRITE A REVIEW and do so.
8. Somewhere in there, it was necessary to log in with my e-mail address and password.

Hope that this helps readers navigate the confusing website that is

Postscripts to Hemingway’s Island

Posted on: June 27th, 2012 by Eleanor Johnston No Comments

 1. On our partnership

After all, writing a book together is easier than hanging kitchen wallpaper.

2. Wayne and El,

I’ve had enough of postmodern griping, whatever post-modern means.

I have just read “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” for the hundredth time. It’s the story of our suicide. The woman gives birth and the man kills. The snows melt and the deer die.

See ya! Remember 42.

A friend, 2011 email

3. For months, our working title for this book was The War on Hemingway.

Imagining Hemingway as Character in Fiction

Posted on: June 22nd, 2012 by Wayne Fraser 10 Comments

Delivering our joint presentation on the process of creating our novel, Hemingway’s Island, was wonderful and exhilerating. The audience received it very well. We sold three copies right there and generated interest in other delegates. I gave a “reader’s copy” to Allie Baker who writes a blog on Hemingway, the Hemingway Project, that is very popular. She may do an interview with us and a review, so that will spread interest. And one of the Oak Parkers asked for a dozen copies to sell at the Hemingway museum in Oak Park. Much thanks to conference organizer Charlotte Ponder for asking us to talk about our creative experience.

Subterfuge at the Finca Vigia

Posted on: June 21st, 2012 by Wayne Fraser 14 Comments

My presentation on the further implications of Brasch and Sigman’s bibliography of Hemingway’s Library went very well this morning and was well received. It was an exhilarating and rewarding experience to stand and deliver the personal stories behind the creation of this book and the ongoing challenges to scholars to examine the influence of Hemingway’s reading on the development of his craft.

Tour of Horton Bay

Posted on: June 20th, 2012 by Wayne Fraser 5 Comments

Yesterday, on the tour to Horton Bay, through an unexpected near encounter with poison ivy, Eleanor & I were invited inside Pinehurst, the Dillworth home where Hemingway often stayed, and which served the chicken dinner for Ernest & Hadley’s wedding reception. All our group got to see the shed at the back of the house where EH often slept; there was even an old cot-bed leaning against the wall. The inside of the house had many small rooms, lovely wood flooring. Since we had been here about 10 years ago, we did not miss out on the group’s tour of the nearby bay and enjoyed this privileged entry into the house. Tonight we tour again, and it ends with a social time at the house next door, Shangra-la, where the champagne wedding reception took place on the lawn. Very exciting to step back in time, Midnight in Paris notwithstanding.